Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't Sleep While Driving

It's winter and you definitely feel more sleepy these days. And during those driving hours every morning with heavy traffic on the road and your vehicle at times moving at snail speed, it is very natural to feel sleepy. Sounds sleepy and cozy, isn't it. But, Caution, My Friend! This can be fatal. Sleeping at the steering wheel or even a blink of your eyes could be dangerous. Here are few easy ways or tips to avoid nodding off while driving.

Longer Journey Needs Break – If you are out for a trip miles away from home, then breaks during driving is mandatory. Get out of car and just move around for some time. Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee before you start again.

Car Pooling Helps As Someone Is Sitting Next To You
- It is always advisable to drive with someone sitting with on the seat next to drivers. The feeling of someone next to you unconsciously keep you awake. Car pooling serves a number of purposes in such a case. Besides giving you a company while driving, it saves fuel and money as well.

Active Conversation Helps – Try to talk while driving, but ensure that the conversation is light so that you donot divert your attention from driving.

Radio or Music Player – If driving alone, just tune up to your favorite radio station or enjoy listening to a song. Avid listening to something that makes you feel too relaxed.

Wash Your Eyes with Cold Water – I you are on the verge of drowsiness, just get down the car and wash your face and splash some cold water in your eyes.

Hunger Mars Sleep – For some, staying hungry works. I am not advising you to starve off food, but just try to have a light meal, so that you might feel the hunger while driving.

Chewing Something Works for Others – Munch on something that tickles your taste buds. You may also try crunchy food items also. This is a common way to keep yourself awake while driving.

Slide Down Car's Window – Let some chilly air come inside your car so that you don't fall asleep. Just bring down your power windows or glass panes to feel the chill in atmosphere.

Swap Drivers – Easiest way to prevent any accident because of nodding off is swapping of drivers. While driving late night or during a drive to a far off place, you may ask your co-passenger to drive for an hour, while you take a short nap that will freshen you.

Go for Catnaps – This is advisable if it works for you. You can stop at a hotel on the way for few hours of sleep. Or else, you might also stop your car and snooze at the backseat.

Party Less – Researches reveal that those who party hard are more likely to fall asleep at the steering. So, if you know you have to drive for miles next morning, try not to party till late night.

Sitting in the Same Position Also Invites Sleepiness – Thats is a major cause of drowsiness. Try to just relax your body after an hour of drive and then start driving again.

Try these tips, one of these will surely work for you. Always remember, just ensure your that your drive safely. Happy Safe Driving!