Monday, October 13, 2008

Top Tips To Increase The Lifeline Of Your Dear Vehicle

You spend thousands of dollars on buying the vehicle, but now you are just flushing that hard earned money by being careless. If you feel that you have been doing your part for your car by taking it for servicing twice a month, then let me put a check there. This is not enough... a few tips would definitely help in a smoother drive and longer lifeline of the car. Follow these tips that include some Do's & Dont's...

1. The Right Start

Obviously it is something very common but most of us never give it a thought. Turning on the car accessories before the car starts, wears down the engine. While starting the car, just turn off different accessories like music system, climate control, air conditioner or climate controller, etc. Increase the lifeline of the car – Don't Put Pressure On The Engine.

2. 'Warm Up' – But The Right Way

During Winters, you must be revving the engine to warm up the car. You never cracked your brain to the thought that when you rev the engine, the oil has not reached the system thus forcing the engine to work without any kind of lubrication. Rather than warming up your car, you are just heating it. So next time, you intend to warm up your darling vehicle, do it the right way – Let It Sit Idle For Around 60 Seconds.

3. Use The Emergency Brake

It is always advisable to use these emergency brakes that are commonly known as hand brakes or parking brakes. These would help in keeping the vehicle motionless without putting the pressure on the parking pawl and consequently on the transmission system. Why trouble the transmission of the car, when you can do without it easily. Therefore remember – Always Use Parking Brakes.

4. Let The Car Stop Completely & Then Drive

This is what we always do and that is right from the parking we shift to drive before the car stops moving backward. I hope you would be honest to admit it. This will ruin your vehicle. Remember to let the car stop from going backward before you start driving. If you don't obey this, you are risking the gears, drive shafts and the entire transmission of the car. Avoid a worn out transmission – Let the car stop before shifting to drive.

5. Listen to Your Car's Needs

Paying immediate attention can reduce the aggravating problem. I am not suggesting you to be tensed about the driving – rather just be alert to any unusual sound of the car.

A small check yourself would help you identify the cause easily.